SUSTAIN Eurocluster held their 2nd plenary meeting to undergo the second phase of the project

Press Release | March 11, 2023 – SUSTAIN Eurocluster held their second plenary on the 8th and 9th of March in Thessaloniki at the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) headquarters. The consortium members, formed by CERTH, Ahedd, the Catalan Energy Cluster, the Green Tech Cluster from Latvia and iZEB, had the opportunity to discuss the progress of the first six months of the project. At the same time, they also prepared the next steps to carry out and planned the tasks to be accomplished as part of each work package for the project’s second phase, which will include the launch of the open calls in September.
One of the main tasks involves the identification of the current landscape of energy services and digitalization framework, which includes the analysis of the current status of SBS and energy system conditions.
Moreover, in the coming months, SUSTAIN Euroclusters will develop dedicated training actions to favour SMEs skills concerning innovative tools such as SRI, BIM and BMS solutions.
And in the meantime, as part of one of the main objectives to the project, SUSTAIN will establish a strong network between the involved clusters and their members, encouraging the strengthen of the international cooperation with third countries. More specifically, different networking activities will take place, like the uploading of the digital Collaboration Platform, events of different sort, matchmaking events, while dealing with the implementation of cooperation agreements with international organisations.
Lastly, SUSTAIN will directly support the SMEs to develop innovation in the energy management of the buildings sector. The project webpage will be launched shortly, here you will find more information about the financial and technical support services SUSTAIN will offer to companies in the construction sector.