BIM models, protagonists in the last Sustain’s Webinar organised by the Catalan Energy Cluster

In the framework of Sustain Eurocluster, the Catalan Energy Cluster organized yesterday an online session to introduce the potential of BIM in shaping a sustainable and energy-efficient future for built environment. The Webinar titled ‘Guidelines for the use of BIM in energy performance certification of buildings’ had Álvaro Sicilia, researcher at La Salle University, who…
IsZEB Cluster organises a 2-day seminar on SRI and its application in smart homes

IsZEB Cluster organized a two-day seminar (27-28/9/2023) on “Smart Readiness Indicator and itspractical application in the Smart Home of IsZEB”.In order to support the adoption of decision making during the construction/reconstruction stage ofbuildings based also on the Smart Readiness Indicator, an understanding of the benefits of itsassessment should be promoted. Therefore, the aim of the…
The consortium organises the first webinar to present the SUSTAIN Open Call

The SUSTAIN Eurocluster’s consortium celebrated a webinar on the 22nd of September about the SUSTAIN Open Call, which was launched this month. The aim of this information session, conducted by Nikolaos Laloumis, from the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), was to present these financial opportunities and show potential applicants how to fill in…
The 2nd Newsletter is here!

The second issue of the SUSTAIN Newsletter is here, and it’s all about the recent release of the SUSTAIN Open Calls: presentation of the call, main topics for the projects, registration and application process, and so on! The purpose of these calls is to help Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) address the smart buildings challenges and adopt…
Calling All Changemakers: The Sustain Open Call has been launched and is all about innovative ideas for the Construction sector!

The future of technological innovation is now, and the open calls for proposals targeting two distinct technology readiness levels are set to revolutionize the way we interact with our built environment. The driving force behind these open calls is the recognition of the transformative potential that emerges from the synergy between Smart Readiness Indicators and…
IsZEB Cluster participates in the 2nd Hybrid Workshop ‘Innovative Seismic Protection and Structural/Community Resilience’

A paper presentation was held by IsZEB in the 2nd Hybrid Workshop “Innovative Seismic Protection and Structural/Community Resilience” on 2-4/9/2023 at the Civil Engineering Department, Democritus University of Thrace (DUTh). The paper analysed two different resilience preparedness and business continuity plans for the building sector in the industrial ecosystem. The first plan focused on mitigating…
SUSTAIN Newsletter is out!

The first issue of the SUSTAIN Newsletter is out, and its main focus is to present the objectives of the project, the partners, the work done, and the deliverables submitted since now. The SUSTAIN partners, over the following months, will keep on working to develop mechanisms that help SMES to incorporate the identified innovative tools…
SUSTAIN Consortium Advances Green and Digital Transition in the Building Sector at the 3rd Plenary Meeting in Riga

Press Release | July 17, 2023 – The SUSTAIN project consortium, consisting of the Center for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH), the Greek Digital Innovation Hub (ahedd), the Catalan Energy Cluster (CEEC), Green Tech Cluster from Latvia, and the IsZEB Cluster gathered in Riga on July 11 and 12 for their 3rd plenary meeting. The…
SUSTAIN Eurocluster held their 2nd plenary meeting to undergo the second phase of the project

Press Release | March 11, 2023 – SUSTAIN Eurocluster held their second plenary on the 8th and 9th of March in Thessaloniki at the Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH) headquarters. The consortium members, formed by CERTH, Ahedd, the Catalan Energy Cluster, the Green Tech Cluster from Latvia and iZEB, had the opportunity to…

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